Friday, September 18, 2015

Grade 06 - Geography

Grade 06 - Geography

Geography I - Grade 06
·      Underline the most suitable answer.
1.             The main and basic importance of learning geography.
I) to pass the exam with merit.          II) to know about the water
III) to get the knowledge of the environment           
IV) to get the knowledge about topographical features.
2.             The correct order of the administrative divisions in Sri  Lanka
 I) Divisional secretariat division, province, District, Country       
II) Country, Province, District, Divisional Secretariat division            
III) Province, Divisional Secretariat division, District, Number of the house
IV) Number of the house, District, Province, Country
3.             The Province which has most number of districts in Sri Lanka is
I) Northern Province                           II) North central Province            
III) Western Province                          IV) central Province
4.             The correct answer about the location of point pedro and Dondara Head is,
I) Situated between west and East direction(II)    
II) Situated between west and south direction.            
III) Situated between East and south direction.              
 IV) Situated between North and South directions.
5.             The correct group of rivers starting from adams peak is,
I) Mahaweli , Kelani, Kalu, Walawa
II)Mahaweli, Gin, Walawa, Gal Oya
III) Mahaweli, Malwathu Oya, Kalu
IV) Kelani, Kalu, Walawa, Malwathu Oya
Mark “ü” or “X” in the bracket  provided in front of each statement.
6.             The Distribution of raw materials which are used to build a house is equally separated in all countries.  (……..)
7.             Climate differs from region to region in Sri Lanka.                                (……..)
8.             The wind direction Indicator only can show the direction of the wind. (……..)
9.             The interior water found a long the Coastrol area is Known as Brackish Water.     (……..)
10.         The process of water cycle is the creation of water.                              (……..)
Use the suitable answer from the bracket and fill in the blanks.
(latitudes, energy, form, Production factors, longitudes, Recycling)
11.         The factories use …………………………………………………… to Produce goods.
12.         The  …………………………………… is used to fulfill the needs of Human.
13.         The imaginary Lines drawn from North to south around the globe is known as …………………………………………..
14.         The process of Transmitting the waste materials as reusable goods is known as………………………………………………….
15.         The imaginary lines drawn from west to East is known as …………………………………………………. .

To answer the questions from 16-20 use the map given below.


1.             The dolled line indicating letter “B” is.
i) Bering Sea      ii) Malacca Strait     iii) Palk Strait  iv) Bay of Bangal.
2.             A main lagoon in Sri Lanka is indicated by letter.
i) J                  ii) C             iii) E           iv) D
3.             Letter “A” indicates a large Island owned by Sri Lanka. that is,
i)Kyets                  ii)Delft             iii) Nagadeepa       iv) Mannar
4.             To measure the length of Sri Lanka, two places been combined with dotted lines “F” and “G”. The places stand for F,G is,
i)Dondara Point, Devil point                ii)Kangesandurai point, Elephant Point             iii) Dondara point, Sangamankanda Point                        iv) Dondara point, Pedro point
5.             The Letter which denotes a place where brackish water fishing is done in abundance
i) D                 ii) C           iii) F             iv) K

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